We all have all kinds of feelings - happy, sad...and that's only the beginning. No feelings are wrong. We are allowed to feel anything we feel. But sometimes, we want to deal with our feelings in ways that are not good for us, so we need to learn good and appropriate ways to cope instead.
The original AOK Box is a revolutionary approach to mental health and self-discovery for children (and all ages, please check back for the adolescent/adult box). Developed and curated by two mental health professionals, an occupational therapist and a professional counselor, the AOK Box will take your child on a journey that will promote confidence and self-aweness, improve connections and communication, and enable your child to better understand emotions and develop new coping skills. Within the contents of this box are fun, therapeutic activities that will help in the understanding and expression of emotions. Detailed instructions and explanations of each activity is included.
Order now and let the fun of discovery and learning begin!
AOK Box for Kids - Please click picture for moredetails
Mental health activities to be used in between counseling sessions, to compliment counseling sessions, or just as fun learning activiites to enhance the understanding of feelings and their expression.